Intersection Between Climate Change, Food Systems and Health

#Self introductions

  • Creator
  • #5503

    Benard Ondiek

      Kindly introduce yourself to the community. Let participants know your Name, Country, Research Interest and your institution. Kindly proceed by hitting the reply button.



    • Author
    • #5505

      My Name is Elizabeth Wambui Kimani-Murage, Kenya. I am a Senior Research Scientist at APHRC, undertaking research on nutrition and food systems and the intersection with climate change.

      • #5506

        Benard Ondiek

          Welcome Elizabeth to the CoP. This will be a great journey of learning and impacting knowledge.

        • #5507

          Benard Ondiek

            Welcome Elizabeth to the CoP. This will be a great journey of learning and impacting knowledge.

        • #5800


            Gumi Abdallah, from LEAD Foundation, Dodoma Tanzania. I am a research working as Project Coordinator in a project Evaluating the effect modification of trees in croplands in mitigating the health effects of extreme heat exposure on agricultural workers in Tanzania. This is climate change and health related project

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